The 21st-century worker has so many options at her fingertips: freelancing, remote working, or traditional office work. And although rapid advancements in technology have enabled nontraditional options like never before, those same advancements have also spurred conundrums like burnout from constant connectivity or stifled innovation from the sheer monotony of pounding away at a computer in the same office, with the same people, day in and day out.

Coworking, however, is poised to capitalize on the beneficial aspects of technology (like doing the same job from a much cooler space) while helping to manage some of the detriments (like bringing together people with different backgrounds, skills, and passions).

Coworking is making headlines not just because it’s a cool new trend, but because coworking is important to enabling new ideas, better innovation and fresh entrepreneurship approach in the 21st century.

The rapid growth of this working model is a testament to the value it provides: Until 2022, coworking spaces are expected to grow annually by 6% in the U.S. and 13% internationally, according to a report published by All Work.

CoWorking is important to a sense of purpose

When the Harvard Business Review dug into coworking a few years ago, a key finding from their study was the high degree to which employees in coworking spaces found their work meaningful. To be fair, freelancers, who are able to select their own projects, maybe more passionate about their work, but even setting this aside, many people reported feeling freer to be their true professional selves, rather than conforming to the expectations of peers and colleagues or trying to navigate traditional office politics.

CoWorking is important to a sense of community

Every coworking space is unique, because of the people inhabiting it and because of the environment they create. For example, at HEXA, we think your best ideas might come from the amenities designed specifically for your comfort, whether you’re unwinding within our onsite garden or resting in a nap room.

These unique environments also cultivate a sense of shared community, particularly as professionals with a wide range of talents and experiences pitch in to help one another out.

CoWorking is important to set boundaries

As any home-based employee can tell you, setting boundaries can be a challenge. Whether it’s really turning work off (well, my e-mail and office is just in the other room…) or managing around the landscaping noise, disrupting family members or tempting distractions, a coworking space can enable home-based employees to harness their workday, support better balance, and improve focus.

CoWorking is important to manage costs

A coworking space enables clear budgeting and ample amenities, avoiding a surge of unplanned room rental, printing jobs, or coffee splurges that can quickly add up. Coworking spaces also take care of the infrastructure costs required to set up a remote office – and maintain them. (Read: this means no more acting as your own IT department when things go haywire because you’ll have resources to help you at HEXA besides the dog).

Coworking is important to motivation and engagement

Business leaders benefit from having motivated and engaged employees, and individuals thrive from feeling motivated and engaged. Working in a stimulating environment alongside passionate people is catching – and likely to rub off on anyone else who walks in the door.

Whether you’re looking to transform your remote staff’s work-life or hoping to revamp your own, HEXA provides multiple options tailored to your needs. Contact to learn more.