In the earliest days, coworking spaces were aimed at getting remote employees out of the house (and potentially out of pajamas, at least as the stereotype suggests) and into a professional environment. Since their inception almost 15 years ago, coworking spaces have evolved along with a changing business landscape, and today they offer a change of scene for remote employees and entrepreneurs alike.

This array of professionals isn’t turning to coworking spaces only because the coffee is great – business leaders have recognized some clear benefits employees can gain from coworking spaces.

While businesses benefit from coworking spaces, a recent Harvard Business Review study found that the employees do, too.

Overall, the study revealed that coworking spaces can improve the way employees relate to their company and boost how they think others (peers, clients, and competitors) see them.

More specifically, employees benefit from coworking in six ways:

  1. Coworking boosts professionalism and credibility better than traditional remote working.

Even the most devout remote employees and entrepreneurs working in home offices have to grapple with a non-traditional office environment: the neighbor’s landscaping service leaf blowing during a critical conference call, a dog barking at a delivery, or a child interrupting focus.

In a coworking space, the only background noise colleagues or clients will hear is office noise, and all the bells and whistles of a typical workplace are available. For entrepreneurs, working from a coworking space also signals the seriousness of the organization – this isn’t a few hours a day in a garage, but a true business keeping office hours.

  1. When enterprise employers offer coworking spaces, it helps remote employees feel valued.

Investing in a coworking space for a remote employee or a remote team signals the value an organization places on the individual or team and is a monetary way to display a commitment to the employee. Employees feel invested in, and according to the HBR study, said they were more likely to identify with their organization, even as remote employees.

  1. Coworking spaces help create positive impressions on customers.

Starts up or established businesses can leverage hosting spaces available onsite, and immediately create an image of being forward-thinking and innovative. For example, employees can meet customers in one of Hexa’s large conference rooms or host a more casual event at our spacious outdoor patio.

  1. Coworking can increase productivity.

In a coworking space, employees tend to get a boost in productivity and creativity. In a Deskmag survey, 71% reported increased creativity since joining a coworking space and 62% said their standard of work had risen.

While that may sound like something to tout to employers more than employees, a spurt of creativity and productivity is sure to make individuals feel more enthusiastic as well. (Not to mention all the productivity could just lead to a promotion or raise, or onset of business growth!)

  1. Coworking boosts collaboration and support

Coworking also provides ample opportunity to bounce ideas off of people an employee otherwise wouldn’t interact with, melding together a crew of people across industries and with a variety of skillsets. In a coworking space, the person on your right could be a top marketing exec – but in a traditional office space, departments are always siloed.

Employees are also more practically supported by our productivity services. Just ask a remote employee what they would give to have on-site tech support in the middle of a computer crash, or how an entrepreneur feels prepping for a presentation with cutting-edge presentation and printing tools at her fingertips.

  1. Coworking increases well-being

This is last on the list, but certainly not least. Coworking helps meet employees’ social needs, enabling remote workers to take mental breaks with other professionals, relax in peaceful spaces, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes from having basic (but often frustrating) administrative needs met. They can cultivate friendships with other like-minded professionals and feel connected.

Are you ready to boost productivity, creativity, and well-being for your remote employees or team? Contact Hexa today at to learn how your employees can start benefiting from our coworking space.